As a foster parent you show children they are loved each and every day. Valentine’s Day creates a unique opportunity to open the floodgates of love and create special memories for your foster children. While teachers, peers and the community are highlighting relationships, children in foster care are reminded of the heartache they have endured.

What an opportunity to show them they are loved.
Below are some ideas that can help create memories filled with fun, love and connection!
Bake, Cook & Eat
What a great time to decorate some cookies, make heart-shaped rice krispie treats or cook dinner together. Creativity is unleashed, stomachs are full and laughter & great conversation will inevitably ensue.
Make Valentines
Making Valentines allows for a creative and artistic approach to a child’s version of a valentine. They can think of classmates, bio family members, neighbors ect. who may be lonely or sad and in need of extra love.
Focus on Others
The whole family can come up with ideas of people who may need some extra love and support. You could give them a call, invite them over for dinner or help them with a project or chore. Whatever you choose to do, make sure your foster child has an active part in making it happen.
Focus on the Love of God
Teach your child that God was the first one to love. God is the only one who can truly teach us how to love. You can make a game out of finding verses about love in the Bible, write them on cards or draw a picture to go with the verse.
Authentic conversation
Don’t be scared to have real, raw conversation about love that is appropriate for your child’s age. How does the world define love? How is that different from how the Bible defines it? What are your child’s thoughts of love?
Many children and teens who go through the foster system have deep wounds that carve lies into their heart. They believe they are unworthy of love. They may refuse to even allow others to love them because they are so scared to be hurt again. What an opportunity to speak truth. To plant the seed that God loves them unconditionally. That they are beautifully and wonderfully made. That He can heal the pain and provide the strength and love they need.